Sunday, September 26, 2010

"You know the Germans make good stuff."

I'm currently in Heidelberg, Germany studying on an exchange program through my university, hoping to improve on my German while I'm over here, meet some new friends, travel around, etc.  However, I couldn't help but think about the political turmoil that's happening back home, as well as the recurring thoughts of conservatives in America calling Europe a "socialist shithole" where you have to wait in long lines, and a place where you're not truly happy, because after all, the Muslims are running over Europe apparently, and economic freedom?  They're socialists!  They can't be happy, of course not!

Me in Heidelberg.  Most beautiful place I've ever visited.

However, while they continue to delude members of their own camp with this tiring rhetoric, I would guarantee that 90% of the people that spout this bullshit have never even been to Europe, and I would be willing to gauge that half of them haven't even visited another country outside of the military.  While right-wing politics continues to engage voters with this constant spiel of the downfall of Europe, I thought it would be best to try and dissolve some of these retarded beliefs.

Take for instance, the "socialist health care."  My friend who is studying over here with me recently got pink-eye (and no, no farting on the pillow) and needed bacterial drops.  Less than 10 Euros and maybe a 20 minute wait, voila!  He has his eye-drops, and he's not infecting anything else (well, at least not with his eyes).

Since 2007, Germany's budgets have been hitting SURPLUSES, not DEFICITS.  While the United States and conservatives like to criticize them for being "socialist," why is it then we cannot seem to keep even a balanced budget?

It just pisses me off that we're so blinded by political affiliation that we cannot even be honest with ourselves.  I'm not asking anyone to like a certain political belief or become something they're not, but the intellectual dishonesty and blind attacks on the things you're afraid of have to come to an end.  American politics have always been in the shitter, but it's become dangerously close to madness.  We're too polarized.  Too many conservatives and liberals voicing their opinions, but ignoring the facts.

Thoughts?  Comments?  Let me know in the comment section guys!


  1. germany is a nice country, was stationed there in the military

  2. I love the small old cities and buildings in germany. so much history!

  3. Nice interestign blog. Ive always been interested in Germany

  4. Always wanted to visit Germany... And now I can, from the comfort of my computer chair! xD Nahh but thanks for the insight.

  5. Germany isn't only beer, pepole tend to forget that too often

  6. Western Europe on the whole is pretty win, to be honest. Probably the best place in the world to live

  7. Germany isn't only beer
    Is the country with bigger exportations in the world

    Nice blog you got there man.

  8. Germany is cool, Mercedes, BMW, Audi - it's all good!

  9. i was supposed to be in germany this time last year but plans fell through, hope you have a great time

  10. i've always wanted to visit germany.

  11. Always wanted to visit Germany, reading about it will have to do for now!


    Lifehack's guide to a better BJ is out now!

  12. Only been there once, need to upgrade my deutch in future!

  13. Heidelberg looks like cool please =)

  14. The Germans really do make better stuff, but I'm not sure if that pertains to your question..

  15. It's interesting that during the last recession Germany really suffered. It seems they have taken a lot on board and now have one of the most stable economies in Europe!

  16. looking forward to the next update...

  17. Lovely architecture! Very charming old world. There's a local German restaurant here called the Hessen Haus.

  18. i never quite get why americans are so afraid of anything that might help the average citizen, socialism is NOT communism, it just means that the state tries to help less fortunate people!

  19. Very well said, Ben Kay. I often do not understand why some of my fellow Americans are so paranoid and narrow minded.

  20. Very interesting sir I am looking forward to your next update

  21. I've always wanted to learn German...

  22. I used to live in Heidelberg!!! :D

  23. I'm glad you like it in germany, i live there too!

  24. germany has a healthcare system to be admired. great post.

  25. Pretty much every country is doing better than America at present :( its sad

  26. Nice to see a blog with a little substance around here for a change.

  27. i'm from bavaria and it's quiet different from most images, foreigners have

  28. Heidelburg is an amazing city, was there last summer.

  29. Well, you know damnation of socialist ideology is protected somewhat by Hitler's mistakes. A certain elitist faction of the US will always be able to criticize Nazi Germany as a means of swaying the American public into taking their side on political ideology. I have a term for this on my chodalo dictionary. They're called chodeocracies led by chodagogues and chodeocrats.

  30. Hey man I'm living in Strasbourg at the moment! It's in France, about 20 minutes from Germany and all the buildings here are just like yours pictures. It's a beautiful place. Here to brush up my French :)

  31. Germany is the land of beautiful women and delicious beer! I dont know anything about its healthcare system

  32. Love speeding over Germany's highways. :)

  33. Man that would be a cool place to study.
