Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Guard Your Heart"

I remember when I used to go to church as a kid (but let me contract that I am in no way religious now), that there was always this Bible verse that I would constantly hear during sermons and stuff on your spiritual life. Proverbs 4:23: "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." It was beat into our heads, but of course, it was talking about your spiritual life with Jesus and all that bullshit.

The whole point that I opened with that, is that after some events that happened to me over the past couple of weeks, it came back to me, but I saw it in a new light, and it all goes back to the phrase "guard your heart." While I don't believe in any of the religiosity of such phrases, I believe there is some wisdom in it by looking at it at different ways.

You really do need to guard your heart, and it all goes back to the way that you care for people that don't care for you back. Unrequited love. People telling you one thing, and another happens. Not only does it depress you and leaves you with feelings of distraught, it can sit still in your insides. It's that cringing feeling in your gut that you can't stop, and it leaves you feeling depressed.

People constantly tell you "go for it!" However, sometimes, going for it will just leave you feeling deeper in the rut. I guess the main thing I'm trying to tell you guys is to not stick your feelings out there too far, lest you intend to flip the coin and hope your heart doesn't get trampled on.

I may come back and edit this, or make a part two later when I get some more time, as all of this is just free-thought and is currently on my mind, but tell me what you guys think. Perhaps I'll respond to some of the questions in the comment section.

Thanks for reading!


  1. What a interesting post! I'm looking for more posts like this!

  2. I don't go to any of my religions congregations anymore either

  3. I always love Miss Frizzle's saying "Take chances, make mistakes, get messy." Words to live by.

  4. Very informative post, thanks for sharing. See you again.

  5. i relate to this a lot.. good post bro.

  6. With a gun and by never letting a woman near it

  7. Although it's well thought out, I disagree, I say subject yourself to as much punishment as possible early on, so that later when confronting it, you can shrug it off, laugh and eat the offender's soul. Figuratively of course but maybe you can lop of an ear or a lip or something. Just a long as it doesn't take too long.

  8. doing something is the first step to failure.

    sometimes failures can lead to interesting things though.

  9. Sometimes you have to listen to your heart

  10. Your conscience is your greatest guide in life.

  11. I think the post was too DEEP for me...

  12. Sorry bro, I gotta disagree.

    I used to play it safe all the time, afraid to get hurt, and it made me lose lots of people, including the girl I loved for a long time...

  13. One of my favorite quotes, courtesy of Homer Simpson. "You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'"

  14. I went a couple times with my nana.. religion is just not for me :P

  15. I agree with Zygg, not good to guard your heart too much. Building walls around yourself is isolating in the end.

  16. I agree with totalitarian on this one

  17. I agree with an above poster ^ The earlier we confront things, the easier life becomes later on

  18. I understand, but without trust there is no basis for friendship. Everyone has to flip the coin at one time or another. Everyone has to gamble. It's just a matter of when and who you gamble with.

  19. thanks for the post, looking forward to more from you

  20. Love is a gamble but it is also one of most powerful emotions. Check out ...

  21. enjoyed reading this post. keep it up :)

  22. I feel like guarding my heart would be limiting myself, but there have been times when I should have been more cautious...

  23. some would say guarding your heart in the manner of being cautious of what you go for is like censoring yourself. And since generally censorship is bad, then i suppose you could relate to guarding yourself as hurtful to yourself in a way. I say go for it, and should you get burned, heal and move on.

  24. man... you lost at me the start already with that post

  25. Guard your heart... against knife attacks!

  26. Great read! Looking forward to reading your next post.

  27. interesting article! Thanks for visiting.

  28. but if you dont "go for it" you will miss out on some things in life. so i guess it has its ups and downs

  29. glad to hear you tossed the myth of religion early on. so many kids inherit that BS from their parents

  30. Yeah I know what you say, you can't always just "go for it".

  31. All I know is that it is impossible to control what anyone person may do to you but you can control how you react to it. Perhaps that is what "guard your heart" means - always being in control. As for going for "it" - it should be something you are so excited about that of course you are going for "it". Every person should have goals - but its what you make of them.

  32. Can't wait for a part 2!
    Part 1 was a nice read.

  33. above all guard your heart .. one hell of a quote, thanks for that :)

  34. your heart has ribs guarding it... guard your ass...

  35. Don't give up man. You'll hit your stride eventually.

  36. Good read, You can learn from holy books, so long as you don't take it too seriously.

  37. im kind of like you. i used to go to church when i was younger but havent been. most of the stuff they taught me i dont care about anymore, except for treating others as you want to be treated. its probably the reason im nice to everyone i meet and try to help everyone i can.

  38. Fantastic post man!

  39. Interesting post. I never went to church but my parents instilled the whole do unto others thing into me.

  40. being a good person should hopefully be able to replace church

  41. I usually 'go for it' when told to. hmmmm

  42. the key is to refrain from judging. by not getting attached you don't carry the weight. Just observe.

  43. good point but remember to those who risk great come great things.

  44. great post, btw check out my stoner girls pics^^

  45. Haha love the reference to magic school bus in the comments above :O

  46. Guard your heart, and your pants when near church officials ;)

  47. Barbed wire hurts when you remove it :(

  48. funny how your heart can be hurt so bad.. but it makes you stronger in the end

  49. this great. thanks for sharing.

  50. A great example that even if religion is bullshit, some of the text are actually very thoughtful when looking at them from another angle. Great post.

  51. Following you! Also, the Bible has really awesome quotes:
    "If a man's testicles are crushed or his penis is cut off, he may not be admitted to the assembly of the LORD.
    (used it in my shortfilm)
